Our help page
A Pillar 3a scheme with Coop Finance+ does not commit you to a minimum contract duration. You can choose how much to pay in and your Pillar 3a assets can be transferred at any time or withdrawn in the usual way factsheet pension. All the securities will then be sold on the next rebalancing day.
All your investment solutions at Coop Finance+ meet the legal requirements and at least 70% of the currency risk is hedged. Foreign currencies are not just a source of risk, though – they can also present advantages in a global portfolio. Coop Finance+ makes it possible for clients to benefit from these opportunities.
In principle, you are not obliged to make private pension arrangements. The State leaves it up to each citizen to make additional private arrangements for the period following retirement. However, in many cases the income from Pillars 1 and 2 will cover no more than 60% of a person’s pre-retirement income. Making private pension savings in Pillar 3 provides an additional way of ensuring you can maintain your usual lifestyle after retirement.
Please clarify the problem with the merchant to whom you made the payment. If the problem persists, please contact our Service Center.
Since the money in a Pillar 3a account is restricted and is intended to safeguard your standard of living in retirement, the capital can only be withdrawn at certain times. It is therefore very unlikely that a third party could steal these assets. Every application for a payout, whether on retirement or for an early withdrawal, is carefully examined by Liberty Foundation for 3a Retirement Savings.
No, only you yourself can adjust the investment strategy based on your risk profile in the Coop Finance+ app.
Important to know: With dynamic Coop Finance+ 3a life cycle strategies, the weighting between equities and bonds is adjusted in the direction of a higher bond allocation as the investor approaches retirement. The factsheet for the respective investment product gives full details of the strategy. You can find the factsheet in the Coop Finance+ app. In addition, the regional weightings are adjusted over time to the market capitalization of the markets in which assets are invested.
Important to know: With dynamic Coop Finance+ 3a life cycle strategies, the weighting between equities and bonds is adjusted in the direction of a higher bond allocation as the investor approaches retirement. The factsheet for the respective investment product gives full details of the strategy. You can find the factsheet in the Coop Finance+ app. In addition, the regional weightings are adjusted over time to the market capitalization of the markets in which assets are invested.
No. Coop Finance+ is a fully digital self-service solution. The process of applying for the solutions on offer is therefore carried out electronically.
Yes. In principle you may make a payment as often as you like, provided that you don’t exceed the maximum annual amount for Pillar 3a. For a regular (e.g. monthly) payment, we recommend that you set up a standing order via your online bank account.
Yes, you can use your Coop Finance+ debit card in the same way as a credit card.
No, this is not possible. In the Coop Finance+ app you choose between different risk profiles, as well as between life cycle strategies and static portfolios, but not between individual investment components.
Yes. You can do so at any time, both during the application process and when using the Coop Finance+ app later on.
Yes, you can continue to use your physical Supercard or the digital Supercard in the Supercard app.
At the moment there is no direct way to deposit cash in your Coop Finance+ account. However, you have the option of generating a QR code in the Coop Finance+ app and using it to deposit cash at the post office counter. Please note that post office conditions and fees apply.
No. These are standard limits so you cannot change them.
If you change your mobile phone, please do a general backup of the old device beforehand. This will automatically activate the app on the new device. You will not need a new activation code.
At the moment you can only withdraw foreign currencies from post office ATMs. Unfortunately this is not yet possible at bank ATMs.
Yes. In order to be able to make contactless payments, you must first activate your card in the Coop Finance+ app, insert the card once into a payment terminal or bank ATM and enter your PIN.
It is not possible to make retrospective payments into Pillar 3a, either in full or as part payments of the maximum amount.
Yes, we offer the optimal solution for every type of investor. That’s why we also offer a no-fee Pillar 3a account.
When you open your account, you are given a private account and a savings account. You cannot open any other accounts.
Yes. You can open a maximum of 5 accounts/custody accounts. If you open a new account or custody account within 12 months of your most recent risk profiling exercise, you simply have to confirm that your risk profile is still valid. If you last opened an account more than 12 months ago, you must create a new risk profile.
Yes. During the account opening process we ask a few questions to calculate your individual ability to take risks, and you can select a suitable investment product in accordance with this calculation. You have the ability to override this selection and select from all the strategies on offer, from a simple 3a account through to a 100% equity allocation.
Yes, you can receive, view and pay your invoices via eBill.
Yes, you can use your Coop Finance+ debit card to make payments and withdraw cash in the respective national currency.
Yes. You can deduct your Pillar 3a savings contributions from your taxable income.
Yes, you can easily transfer money from the app to the banking account of your friend.
Of course, you can.
Please note that by changing your card, a new card number will be generated automatically. You will need to store the new number in the Wallet app, for example. Also, you won't be able to choose a colour. The physical card is automatically blue.
Please note that by changing your card, a new card number will be generated automatically. You will need to store the new number in the Wallet app, for example. Also, you won't be able to choose a colour. The physical card is automatically blue.
Yes. You can save for your retirement with Pillar 3a. Ideally, you would invest a specific amount each month in a Pillar 3a savings plan. This allows you to benefit from the performance of the financial markets, which usually offer higher returns than fixed-income investments over a longer-term investment horizon. However, you also incur more risk. Alternatively you can pay your savings contribution into the 3a cash account.
Yes, you can make SEPA transfers within the EU.
Yes, the app has no geographical restrictions. You can make SEPA transfers within the EU.
Yes. The easiest way is to use TWINT Prepaid. Simply download and open the TWINT Prepaid app, click on "Register", upload a photo of your ID document and enter your contact details. The "Top up credit" menu offers you the options "Pay in" and "Top-up code".
You can top up your TWINT account via bank transfer from your Coop Finance+ account. To do this, enter a Coop Finance+ payment with the TWINT IBAN and reference. Alternatively, you can have a paying-in slip with all the details sent to you by e-mail.
Another option is to purchase top-up codes from Coop. Once you have scanned the QR code, the amount becomes available immediately. The "Bank account" top-up option is not currently available.
You can top up your TWINT account via bank transfer from your Coop Finance+ account. To do this, enter a Coop Finance+ payment with the TWINT IBAN and reference. Alternatively, you can have a paying-in slip with all the details sent to you by e-mail.
Another option is to purchase top-up codes from Coop. Once you have scanned the QR code, the amount becomes available immediately. The "Bank account" top-up option is not currently available.
Yes, you can also use your Coop Finance+ debit card to withdraw cash abroad.
Yes, the following limits apply:
- Max. CHF 2,000.00 cash withdrawal per day
- Max. CHF 300.00 at cashier-operated checkouts in Coop supermarkets or the food department of Coop City department stores when you spend over CHF 10.00.
- Max. CHF 2,000.00 cash withdrawal per day
- Max. CHF 300.00 at cashier-operated checkouts in Coop supermarkets or the food department of Coop City department stores when you spend over CHF 10.00.
Yes. The following transfer limits apply:
- Single transfer: CHF 100,000.00
- Transfer volume per day: CHF 100,000.00
- Single transfer: CHF 100,000.00
- Transfer volume per day: CHF 100,000.00
No. Coop Finance+ does not charge margins on foreign currency exchange. The investment solutions offered by Coop Finance+ are exclusively invested in Swiss francs or hedged against Swiss francs. This means you do not incur any additional costs for exchanging foreign currencies when purchasing fund units.
Yes. Having several accounts (up to 5) gives you the option of withdrawing your Pillar 3a pension assets in a staggered fashion over several years, thus avoiding spikes in income that result in a comparatively high tax burden in the year of withdrawal. One strategy, for example, is to open a new account each time you reach an investment amount of CHF 30,000.
No. You do not incur any costs for transferring your existing Pillar 3a.
Yes. A tax certificate is issued at the start of each calendar year. You can find it in your app and can download it if required.
Double Superpoints for one year are awarded only for your purchases at all Supercard partners within the Coop Group when you pay with your Coop Finance+ debit card and present your Supercard code. Gift cards, vouchers and services are excluded.
No. You decide whether and when you wish to pay into your Pillar 3a. With Coop Finance+ there is no minimum contribution, so you can start with just CHF 1.
No. It is advisable to withdraw your Pillar 3a pension assets in a staggered fashion over several years, in order to avoid potentially being taxed at a higher rate.
Yes, as a rule the capital has to be withdrawn when you reach normal AHV retirement age. If you continue working after reaching AHV retirement age, you may postpone the withdrawal of your Pillar 3a assets until you give up work, but only for a maximum of 5 years.
You can use your Coop Finance+ debit card to withdraw cash (max. CHF 300.00) free of charge at cashier-operated checkouts in Coop supermarkets or the food department of Coop City department stores when you spend over CHF 10.00. You can also withdraw cash from any ATM at a bank or post office (once a month free of charge, then CHF 3.00 per withdrawal).
Passive funds are suitable for long-term investments, because few active funds achieve a higher return than their benchmark index over the longer term. Passive funds are also significantly cheaper than active funds. The compound interest effect has an important role to play during the long investment horizon of Pillar 3a. Lower product costs increase the potential returns after costs, thus increasing the chances of higher capital by the time of withdrawal.
In principle, Coop Finance+ uses passive management by means of index funds. One exception is the "Focus Switzerland" option, which contains an equity fund consisting of Swiss investments only; it is actively managed by our partner OLZ.
In addition, each portfolio is supervised individually in line with the selected investment strategy. When necessary, buy and sell orders are automatically triggered once a month on the respective trading day in the case of a divergence of more than 3% from the defined investment strategy, to ensure that the investment strategy of each individual pension client remains within the selected bandwidths.
In addition, each portfolio is supervised individually in line with the selected investment strategy. When necessary, buy and sell orders are automatically triggered once a month on the respective trading day in the case of a divergence of more than 3% from the defined investment strategy, to ensure that the investment strategy of each individual pension client remains within the selected bandwidths.
Coop Finance+ works closely with Vanguard. Vanguard is the world’s second-biggest asset manager and has nearly 50 years' experience in pension planning. Your assets are invested in broadly diversified funds using sample portfolios based on your risk profile. Vanguard uses its investment expertise to provide portfolios and broadly diversified index fund modules for the investment solutions.
All Pillar 3a pension solutions from Coop Finance+ are based on global portfolios from Vanguard. Vanguard is the world’s second-biggest asset manager and has nearly 50 years' experience in pension planning. Your assets are invested worldwide and broadly diversified. The use of index funds thus allows you to participate in the performance of numerous companies throughout the world. The most important investment classes are equities and bonds. An overview of the markets in which assets are invested may be found in your Coop Finance+ app.
To make a request for data held about you, please contact us at service@coopfinanceplus.ch from your registered email address. After you have submitted the request, we will send you the personal data we have processed about you.
To terminate the account we need a closure request from you.
You can change your standing orders in the Coop Finance+ app by tapping on the large “+” at the bottom of the screen in the “Accounts” area. Then tap on “Manage standing orders”. You can now view all the relevant orders. Click on the order you wish to change and amend the relevant details. If you want to change other payment orders, you can only do so if they have not yet been processed. In “Transactions”, tap on the pending payment and change the details as desired.
You can delete and edit your payments in the Coop Finance+ app under “Manage payments” / “Pending payments”.
When you have asked for your data to be deleted, it will be deleted from the Coop Finance+ app. All data stored by our banking partner Hypothekarbank Lenzburg must be retained for 10 years after the end of the current year for regulatory reasons. To request that your data be deleted, please contact us by email at service@coopfinanceplus.ch and please enclose a copy of your ID.
Coop Finance+ makes top-class financial products accessible to customers through offers from leading financial services providers. Coop Finance+ is independent and specifically selects providers that offer the best value for money.
– here are the key data:
- The investment objective of the Coop Finance+ 3a life cycle portfolios is long-term capital growth for investors wishing to save for their retirement.
- As the investor approaches retirement age, the portfolios’ risk is reduced by gradually switching from equities to less risky bonds. The aim is to reduce the risk of value fluctuations in the run-up to retirement.
- Up to the age of 42, around three-quarters of the assets are invested in equities. After that, the equity allocation is gradually reduced to 38% by the official retirement age and then remains constant until retirement. The less risky bond allocation rises over time from 24% to 62%.
- The Coop Finance+ 3a life cycle portfolios are based on inexpensive ESG index funds from Vanguard; these conduct negative screening to exclude certain companies because of the impact their business conduct or products have on the environment and society.
Further details about the life cycle portfolios may be found on the factsheet in the Coop Finance+ app.
- The investment objective of the Coop Finance+ 3a life cycle portfolios is long-term capital growth for investors wishing to save for their retirement.
- As the investor approaches retirement age, the portfolios’ risk is reduced by gradually switching from equities to less risky bonds. The aim is to reduce the risk of value fluctuations in the run-up to retirement.
- Up to the age of 42, around three-quarters of the assets are invested in equities. After that, the equity allocation is gradually reduced to 38% by the official retirement age and then remains constant until retirement. The less risky bond allocation rises over time from 24% to 62%.
- The Coop Finance+ 3a life cycle portfolios are based on inexpensive ESG index funds from Vanguard; these conduct negative screening to exclude certain companies because of the impact their business conduct or products have on the environment and society.
Further details about the life cycle portfolios may be found on the factsheet in the Coop Finance+ app.
Our two-factor authentication is provided with the assistance of our partner Futurae. Your mobile phone is used as the second security factor during the registration process.
You can activate and deactivate this function in the Profile section of the app under “Settings”.
Activate your card in the Coop Finance+ app via “My cards” / “Activate card”.
There are two ways to add your Coop Finance+ debit card to Apple Pay:
Add to the Coop Finance+ app
1. Log in to the Coop Finance+ app
2. Go to "Cards" at the bottom of the screen
3. Tap on the "Add to Apple Wallet" icon
Add via the Wallet app
1. Open the Wallet app on your iPhone
2. Tap the plus symbol in the top right and follow the instructions on the screen
3. For the Apple Watch, open the Apple Watch app on your iPhone, tap on "Wallet & Apple Pay" and then on "Add card"
Add to the Coop Finance+ app
1. Log in to the Coop Finance+ app
2. Go to "Cards" at the bottom of the screen
3. Tap on the "Add to Apple Wallet" icon
Add via the Wallet app
1. Open the Wallet app on your iPhone
2. Tap the plus symbol in the top right and follow the instructions on the screen
3. For the Apple Watch, open the Apple Watch app on your iPhone, tap on "Wallet & Apple Pay" and then on "Add card"
There are two ways to add your Coop Finance+ debit card to Google Pay:
Add to the Coop Finance+ app
1. Log in to the Coop Finance+ app
2. Go to "Cards" at the bottom of the screen
3. Tap on the "Add to G Pay" icon
Add via the Wallet app
1. Open the Wallet app on your smartphone
2. Tap the plus symbol in the top right and follow the instructions on the screen
Add to the Coop Finance+ app
1. Log in to the Coop Finance+ app
2. Go to "Cards" at the bottom of the screen
3. Tap on the "Add to G Pay" icon
Add via the Wallet app
1. Open the Wallet app on your smartphone
2. Tap the plus symbol in the top right and follow the instructions on the screen
You can adjust your investment strategy in the Coop Finance+ app dashboard at any time. The strategy will be adjusted at the next rebalancing.
You can temporarily block your card in the Coop Finance+ app at any time. To block it permanently and order a new card, please contact our Service Center.
Please send us a copy of your new identity card, and a notification of marital status in the case of marriage/divorce. Please send the documents to: info@coopfinanceplus.ch.
You can change your notification preferences under “Settings” in the app menu.
You can change your password in your Coop Finance+ app in the “Profile” section of the menu.
You can change your telephone number, home address and e-mail address in the app. Select “Profile” from the menu. Click on the pencil symbol to change your personal details.
You can change the language on the start page of the app and in “Profile” under “Settings”.
In order to collect Superpoints with your Coop Finance+ account, you must store your Supercard number in your account under “Menu”. During your first year with Coop Finance+ you will then receive double Superpoints (spend CHF 1 = receive 2 Superpoints) for every purchase at all Supercard partners within the Coop Group when you pay with your Coop Finance+ debit card and present your Supercard code. Gift cards, vouchers and services are excluded.
During our application process you answer a number of questions which enable us to calculate your ability to take risks, and you can select a suitable investment product in accordance with this calculation. If we determine that you want to avoid volatility or you have a short investment horizon (e.g. because you wish to withdraw your pension assets in the next few years in order to purchase an owner-occupied property), we recommend that you open a simple 3a account without exposure to volatility, or a lower-risk investment strategy with less expected volatility. You can of course override the investment proposal in the Coop Finance+ app at any time.
It’s best to carry out the Risk Check in the Coop Finance+ app. The ideal package will then be put together for you. You can find more information about investment strategies and products under “Which investment strategies and products can I select?” A personal recommendation is not possible.
You can open an account completely online using the Coop Finance+ app. To do so, download the app from the App Store and follow the instructions in the app.
You can order the additional card in the Coop Finance+ app. As soon as our partner bank has verified the information you have provided, the additional card will be sent to your address. For security reasons, the PIN will be sent to you in a separate letter. A one-off fee of CHF 5.00 is charged for an additional card.
Your Pillar 3a savings contributions can be made via an online QR code or paying-in slip, or by standing order. A standing order is convenient if you wish to make regular payments. The relevant information about making payments may be found in the Coop Finance+ app under "Pay into 3a".
You can pay with your virtual debit card by storing it in your Apple Wallet app. It's very simple:
Log in to the Coop Finance+ app.
Click on the card icon at the bottom of the menu screen.
Select the plus sign (+) above the card and then "Display card details".
In the next window, click on "Display details". You will see a white "Copy" icon to the lower right of the card image. When you click on it, you will see the message "Copied to clipboard".
Open the Apple Wallet app and follow the instructions on the screen.
Log in to the Coop Finance+ app.
Click on the card icon at the bottom of the menu screen.
Select the plus sign (+) above the card and then "Display card details".
In the next window, click on "Display details". You will see a white "Copy" icon to the lower right of the card image. When you click on it, you will see the message "Copied to clipboard".
Open the Apple Wallet app and follow the instructions on the screen.
You are very welcome to recommend Coop Finance+ to your friends and acquaintances. No commission is currently paid for introductions. This helps to keep costs low and prices attractive.
You can launch the withdrawal of your pension assets in the Coop Finance+ app under “Withdraw pension assets”. Once you have selected the reason for the withdrawal, you can download the appropriate application form or have it sent to your e-mail address.
Please note that Pillar 3a pension assets may only be withdrawn under certain conditions.
Link to withdrawal form: Link
Please note that Pillar 3a pension assets may only be withdrawn under certain conditions.
Link to withdrawal form: Link
The financial and insurance services offered through Coop Finance+ can be taken out completely online. The contract for a particular product can therefore be concluded within the app itself.
You can store your Supercard number (starting 2501) in the Coop Finance+ app under “Menu”.
You can launch the transfer of your existing Pillar 3a to Coop Finance+ in the app under “Pay into 3a”. Then choose the option “Transfer an existing 3a”. The application form will then be sent to your e-mail address. You need to post the completed and signed form to the address indicated.
Enter the IBAN of your Coop Finance+ account in your transfer order. You can easily copy your IBAN from the Coop Finance+ app under “Accounts” / “Private account”.
Under “Accounts” in the Coop Finance+ app, use the “+” to select the “Enter payments” function. Then fill in the necessary details (recipient, IBAN, payment date) and confirm the payment in the app.
If you no longer wish to receive the Coop Finance+ newsletter, please unsubscribe directly in the app under “Settings”.
Your data will be retained for 10 years.
You can open up to 5 portfolios maximum. You can add another portfolio directly in the Coop Finance+ app within seconds.
You can set up several Pillar 3a portfolios in your Coop Finance+ app, enabling you to withdraw your pension assets in a staggered fashion. You can open a maximum of 5 portfolios.
During your first year you will receive double Superpoints (spend CHF 1.00 = receive 2 Superpoints) for every purchase at Supercard partners within the Coop Group when you pay with your Coop Finance+ debit card and present your Supercard code. Excludes gift cards, vouchers and services. It can take up to 5 working days for the Superpoints to be credited.
There are no account fees in the first year. From the second year onwards, you will be charged CHF 5 per month if you are not using a Pillar 3a investment solution or your account has not booked at least CHF 500 in transactions during the month being billed.
You can find all the documents in your Coop Finance+ app. If explicitly requested, documents can be supplied by post on the following conditions:
- 1st sheet (A4) CHF 5.00
- Each subsequent sheet CHF 2.00
- 1st sheet (A4) CHF 5.00
- Each subsequent sheet CHF 2.00
The current interest rate may be found here. factsheet pension
In order to take advantage of the tax benefits of a restricted retirement savings plan (Pillar 3a), you may pay in up to CHF 7,258 in 2025 if you are an employee or a self-employed person who is a member of a pension scheme. If you are earning an income subject to AHV and are not a member of a pension scheme, you can pay in up to CHF 36,288 or 20% of your net income. If you opt for an unrestricted retirement savings plan (Pillar 3b), there are no limits.
This will depend on the investment strategy selected. It is generally the case that a higher equity allocation in the portfolio will be accompanied by higher potential volatility, as well as higher potential returns.
The investment strategies from Coop Finance+ are based around six different risk types. In addition to the interest-bearing account (no volatility), there is a choice ranging from investment solutions with a small equity allocation (minor volatility) right up to pure equity strategies (considerable volatility).
The questionnaire in the application process will help you find the most suitable investment strategy. You can of course override this investment proposal in the Coop Finance+ app at any time.
The investment strategies from Coop Finance+ are based around six different risk types. In addition to the interest-bearing account (no volatility), there is a choice ranging from investment solutions with a small equity allocation (minor volatility) right up to pure equity strategies (considerable volatility).
The questionnaire in the application process will help you find the most suitable investment strategy. You can of course override this investment proposal in the Coop Finance+ app at any time.
In-payments and transfers are invested, or (if the investment class diverges from the target weighting by more than 3 percentage points) implemented, twice a month (usually on the 10th and 24th day of each month or on the next working day).
You can adjust your investment strategy in the Coop Finance+ app at any time. Changes are implemented every other week (on the 10th and 24th of each month or on the next working day). No additional fees or brokerage charges are incurred, apart from product spreads, taxes and duties.
Your portfolio is reviewed twice a month and adjusted to the defined target strategy when necessary (e.g. if an investment class diverges from its target weighting by more than 3 percentage points).
New deposits are invested twice a month and (if an investment class diverges from its target weighting by more than 3 percentage points) the portfolio is adjusted accordingly.
New deposits are invested twice a month and (if an investment class diverges from its target weighting by more than 3 percentage points) the portfolio is adjusted accordingly.
Coop Finance+ makes every effort to comply with the highest security standards, both technically and in relation to financial services. Our regulated financial partners are subject to strict due diligence obligations and ensure that your assets are kept safely.
The login to the app is secured through two-factor authentication. This complies with the highest security standards.
Coop Finance+ and the Supercard credit card are two different financial solutions that you can use in parallel.
Coop Finance+ includes a private account and a savings account and offers you the following benefits:
- For every purchase using a Coop Finance+ debit card at all Supercard partners within the Coop Group, you will receive double Superpoints for one year if you have stored your Supercard with Coop Finance+ and present it at the checkout.
- On request you can obtain an additional card for one person in your household (one-off fee of CHF 5.00).
- You can use your Coop Finance+ debit card to withdraw cash free of charge at cashier-operated checkouts in Coop supermarkets or the food department of Coop City department stores when you spend over CHF 10.00.
Coop Finance+ includes a private account and a savings account and offers you the following benefits:
- For every purchase using a Coop Finance+ debit card at all Supercard partners within the Coop Group, you will receive double Superpoints for one year if you have stored your Supercard with Coop Finance+ and present it at the checkout.
- On request you can obtain an additional card for one person in your household (one-off fee of CHF 5.00).
- You can use your Coop Finance+ debit card to withdraw cash free of charge at cashier-operated checkouts in Coop supermarkets or the food department of Coop City department stores when you spend over CHF 10.00.
In order to be able to make contactless payments, you must first activate your card in the Coop Finance+ app, insert the card once into a payment terminal or bank ATM and enter your PIN.
Please contact our Service Center.
Please check your current account balance and whether your card is active (not blocked).
Log in to the Coop Finance+ app. Click on the card icon at the bottom of the menu screen. Select the plus sign (+) above the card and then "Display card details". In the next window, click on "Display details". You will see a white "Copy" icon to the lower right of the card image. When you click on it, you will see the message "Copied to clipboard". Open the Apple Wallet app and follow the instructions on the screen.
For the Apple Watch, open the Apple Watch app on your iPhone, tap on "Wallet & Apple Pay" and then on "Add card".
For the Apple Watch, open the Apple Watch app on your iPhone, tap on "Wallet & Apple Pay" and then on "Add card".
All you have to do is order your Supercard using the Coop Finance+ app, the Supercard app or at supercard.ch. Then store your Supercard number (starting 2501) in your Coop Finance+ account under “Menu”.
No, a Swiss mobile number is required in order to open an account.
No. The account continues to belong to the account holder only. That person is also the sole beneficial owner. Holding an additional card simply gives you access to the account assets.
You will need a new Coop Finance+ debit card in order to collect points with the new Supercard number. You can request a new debit card from our Service Center for CHF 10.00.
If you change the Supercard number in your Coop Finance+ profile, you will need a new Coop Finance+ debit card in order to collect points with the new Supercard number. You can request a new debit card from our Service Center for CHF 10.00.
Since the underlying problem may have various causes, please contact our Service Center.
You can reset your password in the app under "Forgotten your password". Follow the instructions in the app.
If you have any suspicions, block your card immediately in the Coop Finance+ app. Then check whether the transactions were really made fraudulently. If they were not, you can unblock your card again in the app. If you continue to have suspicions, please contact our Service Center.
Please repeat the process and check you have entered the correct mobile number in the Profile section of the app.
Please contact our Service Center.
Please check the following:
- Was the purchase made at a Supercard partner within the Coop Group?
- Have you stored your Supercard number in your Coop Finance+ profile?
- Was the purchase made at least 5 working days ago? Due to the transmission time for transactions from Mastercard, it can take up to 5 working days before the points are credited.
- Did you pay with your Coop Finance+ debit card?
- Did you scan the Supercard code?
- Are the Superpoints visible in the Supercard code display in the Supercard app or at supercard.ch?
If the points are still not present after you have done these checks, please contact our Service Center.
- Was the purchase made at a Supercard partner within the Coop Group?
- Have you stored your Supercard number in your Coop Finance+ profile?
- Was the purchase made at least 5 working days ago? Due to the transmission time for transactions from Mastercard, it can take up to 5 working days before the points are credited.
- Did you pay with your Coop Finance+ debit card?
- Did you scan the Supercard code?
- Are the Superpoints visible in the Supercard code display in the Supercard app or at supercard.ch?
If the points are still not present after you have done these checks, please contact our Service Center.
Please check the following:
- Was the purchase made at a Supercard partner in the Coop Group?
- Have you stored your Supercard number in your Coop Finance+ profile?
- Was the purchase made at least 5 working days ago? Due to the transmission time for transactions from Mastercard, it can take up to 5 working days before the points are credited.
- Did you pay with your Coop Finance+ debit card?
- Did you scan the Supercard code?
- Are the Superpoints visible in the Supercard code display in the Supercard app or at supercard.ch?
If the points are still not present after you have done these checks, please contact our Service Center.
- Was the purchase made at a Supercard partner in the Coop Group?
- Have you stored your Supercard number in your Coop Finance+ profile?
- Was the purchase made at least 5 working days ago? Due to the transmission time for transactions from Mastercard, it can take up to 5 working days before the points are credited.
- Did you pay with your Coop Finance+ debit card?
- Did you scan the Supercard code?
- Are the Superpoints visible in the Supercard code display in the Supercard app or at supercard.ch?
If the points are still not present after you have done these checks, please contact our Service Center.
You will receive your card within 5 to 6 working days.
Please close the app and try to log in again. If the problems persist, please contact our Service Center.
Coop Finance+ is neither a bank nor a financial institution, and is therefore not regulated. It acts as a platform for partners from the banking sector, which use it to offer their products and services to interested customers.
No, Coop Finance+ is a Coop Cooperative brand, under which financial and insurance products are marketed through regulated partners.
No, it is not possible. Securities are sold when a Pillar 3a account is closed.
Yes, absolutely! Building up assets attracts tax incentives from the State. You can also use a private pension to provide disability and life cover. The longer you pay into Pillar 3a, the more capital you build up – not least because of the compound interest effect. In certain circumstances you can withdraw your savings capital before you retire, such as for purchasing your own home.
Your Coop Finance+ assets are held in safekeeping by our regulated banking partner Hypothekarbank Lenzburg, which is subject to the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA). It is therefore also subject to depositor protection.
For further information, please contact our Service Center.
You can find your stored Supercard under “Account overview” in your Coop Finance+ profile. Under “Superpoints collected so far this month” you can also see the Superpoints you have collected when paying with the Coop Finance+ debit card (excluding any Superpoints you have collected without using the Coop Finance+ debit card).
If you have any suspicions, block your card immediately in the Coop Finance+ app. Then check whether the payment was really made fraudulently. If it was not, you can unblock your card again in the app. If you continue to have suspicions, please contact our Service Center.
Download the Coop Finance+ app again on your new mobile phone. Log in with your details and follow the instructions. In order to access your data on your new device, you will need a new activation password.
The money will be returned to you. If you have further questions, please contact our Service Center.
You don't start receiving Superpoints until you have stored your Supercard in your Coop Finance+ account. Superpoints cannot be credited retroactively.
Switching from a virtual to a physical card is not currently possible.
Please do so via our Service Center.
Please block your card immediately in the Coop Finance+ app. If you find the card again soon, you can unblock it in the app.
Please contact our Service Center.
Please contact our Service Center.
Please contact our Service Center.
You can order a new card for CHF 10.00. Please order it via our Service Center.
Please check that you have entered the correct PIN. You can find this in the Coop Finance+ app under your card details.
Your sex must be entered as it appears in your identity documents.
Pillar 3a pension assets are intended for your retirement and may only be withdrawn in a small number of exceptional, legally regulated circumstances. The lengthy investment horizon makes it appropriate to invest in securities. You thus benefit from higher potential returns, while investing in real assets gives you some protection against inflation. At the same time, however, you will need to accept a certain amount of price fluctuation (volatility). During our application process, you answer a number of questions which enable us to determine what type of investor you are and suggest a suitable investment strategy. If we determine that you want to avoid volatility or you have a short investment horizon (e.g. because you wish to withdraw your pension assets in the next few years in order to purchase an owner-occupied property), we recommend that you open a simple 3a account without exposure to volatility, or a lower-risk investment strategy with less expected volatility. You can of course override the investment proposal in the Coop Finance+ app at any time.
Please close the app and try to log in again.
Please make sure that you have a functioning internet connection and that the login details are correct.
The returns shown on the factsheet are calculated for a one-off contribution. Since this is not exactly the same as the amount and timing of your own investment, the information about returns on the factsheet will differ from the personal details in the Coop Finance+ app. You can check the return you are receiving in the app.
We constantly strive to keep information about products and fees up to date. In the event of uncertainty, please consult the overview of fees on our factsheet pension.
The safety of the retirement assets entrusted to us is our top priority. These savings are therefore deposited with selected banks in accordance with legal requirements and strict rules. Splitting the retirement assets between different banks ensures broad diversification. This significantly reduces the risk of default or loss for individual pension clients, allowing you to benefit several times over from the maximum protection limit of CHF 100,000.
Your money is protected up to CHF 100,000.00.
Index funds replicate an index such as the S&P 500 and try to track its performance as closely as possible. As an investor you have the advantage of investing at low cost in a product focused on equities or bonds in a particular region. Index funds are particularly suitable for people wishing to invest in an entire market, with broad diversification, over a long period.
All Coop Finance+ strategies (except the “Focus Switzerland” option) are implemented by means of Vanguard index funds. Vanguard, the world’s second-biggest asset manager, is an expert in this field and helps you to achieve your long-term investment objective. The additional “Focus Switzerland” option is implemented by means of an active investment component from OLZ.
All Coop Finance+ strategies (except the “Focus Switzerland” option) are implemented by means of Vanguard index funds. Vanguard, the world’s second-biggest asset manager, is an expert in this field and helps you to achieve your long-term investment objective. The additional “Focus Switzerland” option is implemented by means of an active investment component from OLZ.
The funds used charge a fee for protection against dilution (dilution fees) at the time of subscription and redemption. These dilution fees are credited in full to the fund assets and are not a form of remuneration for the asset manager. Specifically, dilution fees protect existing investors from a drop in value triggered by transactions (subscriptions/redemptions) by third parties.
There is restricted (Pillar 3a) and unrestricted (Pillar 3b) pension provision. Since the government wants to encourage people to save for their retirement, it has created privileges such as tax breaks for Pillar 3a, while also setting rules to regulate/restrict how pension assets can be withdrawn. No such rules apply to Pillar 3b savings, but equally these do not benefit from any tax advantages.
You must be at least 16 years old to open a Coop Finance+ account. You also need:
- Swiss residence
- a passport or ID from the list of valid identity documents (link to ID now)
- a B or C residence permit if you are a foreign national
- in exceptional cases, proof of residence in the form of a current electricity or broadband bill
- a Swiss mobile number
- Swiss residence
- a passport or ID from the list of valid identity documents (link to ID now)
- a B or C residence permit if you are a foreign national
- in exceptional cases, proof of residence in the form of a current electricity or broadband bill
- a Swiss mobile number
The account continues to belong to the account holder only. That person is also the sole beneficial owner. Holding an additional card simply gives a person access to the account assets.
Price fluctuations or cash flows may cause the current weightings of the securities in the portfolio to diverge from the target weightings specified in the selected investment strategy. If the weighting of an investment class (cash, bonds, equities) diverges from its target weighting by more than 3 percentage points, your entire portfolio will be restored to the target weighting. Investments will be sold and purchased in order to restore the target weightings of the individual securities. This process is known as rebalancing, and is performed twice a month. It does not result in transaction fees for you (apart from product spreads, taxes and duties).
The "Focus Switzerland" option makes it possible for you to place the investment focus of your portfolio on the Swiss market. The risk-based investment strategy (minimum variance) focuses on selected small and medium-sized listed Swiss companies. Besides the risk aspect, the investment strategy pursues clearly defined sustainability criteria. Among other things, the OLZ fund achieves a significantly lower carbon footprint than the Swiss equity market overall. This fund, which is offered by OLZ, is an active fund.
Full information about prices and fees may be found on the respective factsheet here or in your Coop Finance+ app.
The compound interest effect is a key factor in long-term investment. You generally receive interest or dividends on the retirement savings you have invested and you can potentially benefit from positive performance on the equity markets. If this income is reinvested, in the following period you will receive income not only on the capital originally invested but also on the reinvested interest or dividends. The longer the time horizon, the greater the positive impact of the compound interest effect. Long-term investment thus pays off.
The current exchange rates of our banking partner Hypothekarbank Lenzburg apply to the private account.
The Mastercard reference rate plus a 0.5% exchange rate supplement applies to card purchases Mastercard Currency Converter Calculator.
The Mastercard reference rate plus a 0.5% exchange rate supplement applies to card purchases Mastercard Currency Converter Calculator.
Bank and post office ATMs in Switzerland:
- 1 cash withdrawal per month free of charge
- as of the 2nd withdrawal, CHF 3 per withdrawal
Coop checkouts:
- free at cashier-operated checkouts in Coop supermarkets or the food department of Coop City department stores when you spend over CHF 10.00
- 1 cash withdrawal per month free of charge
- as of the 2nd withdrawal, CHF 3 per withdrawal
Coop checkouts:
- free at cashier-operated checkouts in Coop supermarkets or the food department of Coop City department stores when you spend over CHF 10.00
There are no account fees in the first year. From the second year onwards, you will be charged CHF 5 per month if you are not using a Pillar 3a investment solution or your account has not booked at least CHF 500 in transactions during the month being billed.
Please top up your account as soon as possible. Otherwise a reminder letter will be sent.
Your data is used only as appropriate, to ensure that Coop Finance+ products and services can be provided. For more information on this please refer to the privacy policy.
All contracts are concluded exclusively with the selected partners. As the customer of a bank, you enjoy depositor protection up to a maximum amount of CHF 100,000.
If you move abroad and continue to earn an income subject to AHV in Switzerland, you may continue to pay into Pillar 3a. As a rule, though, these contributions will no longer be tax deductible.
If you earn your main income abroad, you may retain your Pillar 3a account/custody account until you reach normal AHV retirement age, but you may not continue to pay into it.
If you have active insurance products when you move to another country, these remain valid until the end of their agreed term.
If you earn your main income abroad, you may retain your Pillar 3a account/custody account until you reach normal AHV retirement age, but you may not continue to pay into it.
If you have active insurance products when you move to another country, these remain valid until the end of their agreed term.
Rebalancing ensures that the assets invested do not diverge too much from the defined investment strategy and the risk profile. Your investment portfolio is thus in line with the chosen investment objective.
A private account belongs to one person only: i.e. there is only one account holder. If you wish, you may order an additional card for a second person in the same household, thus turning your private account into a household account. The account continues to belong to one person only. That person is also the sole beneficial owner. Holding an additional card gives a person access to the account assets. A joint account belonging to two people is not yet possible with Coop Finance+.
The simple Pillar 3a account is designed for conservative investors and people who are close to retirement and do not want their assets exposed to market movements. Clients receive interest but do not participate in potential market growth.
The dynamic Coop Finance+ life cycle strategies are suitable for long-term investments, because they invest in the capital markets in line with the investor's willingness to take risks. Over the long term, this increases the chances of positive asset growth. However, the investor must be willing to bear price fluctuations.
The dynamic Coop Finance+ life cycle strategies are suitable for long-term investments, because they invest in the capital markets in line with the investor's willingness to take risks. Over the long term, this increases the chances of positive asset growth. However, the investor must be willing to bear price fluctuations.
Two options are available to you:
1) Static investment strategies: these investments remain unchanged throughout the life of the 3a pension saver. If a client selects an investment profile with 60% bonds, for example, this remains constant throughout the entire investment term. The selected investment strategy is implemented by means of index funds from Vanguard. If desired, it is also possible to focus on Switzerland by including an actively managed OLZ fund.
2) Dynamic life cycle strategies: in contrast to static investment strategies, with dynamic life cycle strategies the risk is adjusted over time.
- As the investor approaches retirement age, the portfolios’ risk is reduced by gradually switching from equities to less risky bonds. The aim is to reduce the risk of value fluctuations in the run-up to retirement.
- Up to the age of 42, around three-quarters of the assets are invested in equities. After that, the equity allocation is gradually reduced to 38% by the official retirement age and then remains constant until retirement. The less risky bond allocation rises over time from 24% to 62%.
More details about life cycle portfolios may be found in the factsheet: Factsheet.
1) Static investment strategies: these investments remain unchanged throughout the life of the 3a pension saver. If a client selects an investment profile with 60% bonds, for example, this remains constant throughout the entire investment term. The selected investment strategy is implemented by means of index funds from Vanguard. If desired, it is also possible to focus on Switzerland by including an actively managed OLZ fund.
2) Dynamic life cycle strategies: in contrast to static investment strategies, with dynamic life cycle strategies the risk is adjusted over time.
- As the investor approaches retirement age, the portfolios’ risk is reduced by gradually switching from equities to less risky bonds. The aim is to reduce the risk of value fluctuations in the run-up to retirement.
- Up to the age of 42, around three-quarters of the assets are invested in equities. After that, the equity allocation is gradually reduced to 38% by the official retirement age and then remains constant until retirement. The less risky bond allocation rises over time from 24% to 62%.
More details about life cycle portfolios may be found in the factsheet: Factsheet.
During our application process you answer a number of questions which enable us to calculate your ability to take risks, and you can select a suitable investment product in accordance with this calculation. If we determine that you want to avoid volatility or you have a short investment horizon (e.g. because you wish to withdraw your pension assets in the next few years in order to purchase an owner-occupied property), we recommend that you open a simple 3a account without exposure to volatility, or a lower-risk investment strategy with less expected volatility. You can of course override the investment proposal at any time.
Two-factor authentication is a way of checking a user’s identity by means of a combination of two different, and above all independent, components (factors).
The following payments are possible with Coop Finance+:
- CHF transactions within Switzerland
- EUR transactions in Switzerland and the EU according to the SEPA standard
- Card payments (in Switzerland and abroad)
- Standing orders
- Account transfers
- Online banking (using the Coop Finance+ app)
- CHF transactions within Switzerland
- EUR transactions in Switzerland and the EU according to the SEPA standard
- Card payments (in Switzerland and abroad)
- Standing orders
- Account transfers
- Online banking (using the Coop Finance+ app)
The limit for contactless payment without a PIN is CHF 80.00. For higher amounts you must enter your 4-digit PIN.
The following limits apply:
- Maximum daily money transfer limit: CHF 100,000.00
- Maximum limit for individual money transfers: CHF 100,000.00
- Cumulative withdrawal limit per calendar month for transfers from the savings account: CHF 50,000
- Maximum daily money transfer limit: CHF 100,000.00
- Maximum limit for individual money transfers: CHF 100,000.00
- Cumulative withdrawal limit per calendar month for transfers from the savings account: CHF 50,000
The following standard limits apply:
- Spending per month: CHF 10,000.00
- Spending per day: CHF 5,000.00
- Cash withdrawals per day: CHF 2,000.00
- Spending on online payments per day: CHF 5,000.00
- Spending per month: CHF 10,000.00
- Spending per day: CHF 5,000.00
- Cash withdrawals per day: CHF 2,000.00
- Spending on online payments per day: CHF 5,000.00
As well as the simple account, you have a choice between dynamic and static investment strategies. Dynamic strategies are characterized by the fact that the equity allocation automatically reduces over the course of the investment period, thus also reducing the investment risk. If you opt for a static investment strategy, the equity weighting remains identical throughout the entire investment period. The most suitable investment strategy for your circumstances will be determined during the application process, taking account of your willingness and ability to take risks. You can of course override the investment proposal at any time.
Although long-term investment of your pension assets on the capital markets does bring higher potential returns, it is also associated with risks. The value of your retirement savings may fall or rise accordingly. As a general rule, a higher equity allocation will not only increase the potential returns but will also increase the risks and the possible fluctuations in your capital.
Coop Finance+ and all its partners nevertheless strive to minimize the risks for all pension clients as far as possible, including through the use of index funds, which are much more broadly based than direct investments in individual securities.
Details of all the risks are available at:
Coop Finance+ and all its partners nevertheless strive to minimize the risks for all pension clients as far as possible, including through the use of index funds, which are much more broadly based than direct investments in individual securities.
Details of all the risks are available at:
Please contact our Service Center.
Restricted 3a pension assets may be withdrawn no earlier than five years before you reach normal AHV retirement age.
You may withdraw your pension assets from Pillar 3a before reaching normal AHV retirement age in the following cases:
- Taking up self-employment
- Purchase of owner-occupied property
- Repayment of a mortgage on owner-occupied property
- Renovation of owner-occupied property
- Leaving Switzerland permanently
- Purchasing pension benefits in your own pension fund
- Drawing a full disability pension
A transfer to a different pension institution is possible at any time.
You can launch the withdrawal of your pension assets in the Coop Finance+ app under “Withdraw pension assets”. Once you have selected the reason for the withdrawal, you can download the appropriate application form or have it sent to your e-mail address. The original copy of the completed withdrawal application must be sent to the Liberty Foundation for 3a Retirement Savings by post.
Link to withdrawal form: Payment Order.
You may withdraw your pension assets from Pillar 3a before reaching normal AHV retirement age in the following cases:
- Taking up self-employment
- Purchase of owner-occupied property
- Repayment of a mortgage on owner-occupied property
- Renovation of owner-occupied property
- Leaving Switzerland permanently
- Purchasing pension benefits in your own pension fund
- Drawing a full disability pension
A transfer to a different pension institution is possible at any time.
You can launch the withdrawal of your pension assets in the Coop Finance+ app under “Withdraw pension assets”. Once you have selected the reason for the withdrawal, you can download the appropriate application form or have it sent to your e-mail address. The original copy of the completed withdrawal application must be sent to the Liberty Foundation for 3a Retirement Savings by post.
Link to withdrawal form: Payment Order.
Restricted 3a pension assets may be withdrawn no earlier than five years before you reach normal AHV retirement age.
You may withdraw your pension assets from Pillar 3a before reaching normal AHV retirement age in the following cases:
- Taking up self-employment
- Purchase of owner-occupied property
- Repayment of a mortgage on owner-occupied property
- Renovation of owner-occupied property
- Leaving Switzerland permanently
- Purchasing pension benefits in your own pension fund
- Drawing a full disability pension
A transfer to a different pension institution is possible at any time.
You can launch the withdrawal of your pension assets in the Coop Finance+ app under “Withdraw pension assets”. Once you have selected the reason for the withdrawal, you can download the appropriate application form or have it sent to your e-mail address. The original copy of the completed withdrawal application must be sent to the Liberty Foundation for 3a Retirement Savings by post.
Link to withdrawal form: Payment Order.
You may withdraw your pension assets from Pillar 3a before reaching normal AHV retirement age in the following cases:
- Taking up self-employment
- Purchase of owner-occupied property
- Repayment of a mortgage on owner-occupied property
- Renovation of owner-occupied property
- Leaving Switzerland permanently
- Purchasing pension benefits in your own pension fund
- Drawing a full disability pension
A transfer to a different pension institution is possible at any time.
You can launch the withdrawal of your pension assets in the Coop Finance+ app under “Withdraw pension assets”. Once you have selected the reason for the withdrawal, you can download the appropriate application form or have it sent to your e-mail address. The original copy of the completed withdrawal application must be sent to the Liberty Foundation for 3a Retirement Savings by post.
Link to withdrawal form: Payment Order.
Restricted 3a pension assets may be withdrawn no earlier than five years before you reach normal AHV retirement age.
You may withdraw your pension assets from Pillar 3a before reaching normal AHV retirement age in the following cases:
- Taking up self-employment
- Purchase of owner-occupied property
- Repayment of a mortgage on owner-occupied property
- Renovation of owner-occupied property
- Leaving Switzerland permanently
- Purchasing pension benefits in your own pension fund
- Drawing a full disability pension
A transfer to a different pension institution is possible at any time.
You can launch the withdrawal of your pension assets in the Coop Finance+ app under “Withdraw pension assets”. Once you have selected the reason for the withdrawal, you can download the appropriate application form or have it sent to your e-mail address. The original copy of the completed withdrawal application must be sent to the Liberty Foundation for 3a Retirement Savings by post.
Link to withdrawal form: Payment Order
You may withdraw your pension assets from Pillar 3a before reaching normal AHV retirement age in the following cases:
- Taking up self-employment
- Purchase of owner-occupied property
- Repayment of a mortgage on owner-occupied property
- Renovation of owner-occupied property
- Leaving Switzerland permanently
- Purchasing pension benefits in your own pension fund
- Drawing a full disability pension
A transfer to a different pension institution is possible at any time.
You can launch the withdrawal of your pension assets in the Coop Finance+ app under “Withdraw pension assets”. Once you have selected the reason for the withdrawal, you can download the appropriate application form or have it sent to your e-mail address. The original copy of the completed withdrawal application must be sent to the Liberty Foundation for 3a Retirement Savings by post.
Link to withdrawal form: Payment Order
The card details will appear in your app once the order has reached our partner, Hypothekarbank Lenzburg. From then on you can store your card manually in the relevant wallet under "Add another card". The additional card is always a physical card.
When you have sufficient spare capital available and would like to save it for your retirement and/or save tax, and won’t need the money until you retire. The capital in Pillar 3a is restricted and can be withdrawn early only in exceptional, legally regulated cases, such as when purchasing your own home (link to "When and how can I withdraw my Pillar 3a pension assets?").
A rebalancing may occur for three reasons:
In-payment/transfer/partial payouts: In-payments, transfers or partial payouts may trigger a rebalancing (every 2 weeks, usually on the 10th and 24th day of each month or on the next working day).
Change of strategy: A change of strategy generally triggers a rebalancing which, if possible, is implemented on the 10th and 24th of each month or on the following working day.
Divergence greater than 3%:
If the current weighting per investment class (e.g. cash, bonds, equities etc.) diverges from the target weighting by more than 3 percentage points, trading instructions are automatically generated and all the positions in the portfolio are reset to their target level.
In-payment/transfer/partial payouts: In-payments, transfers or partial payouts may trigger a rebalancing (every 2 weeks, usually on the 10th and 24th day of each month or on the next working day).
Change of strategy: A change of strategy generally triggers a rebalancing which, if possible, is implemented on the 10th and 24th of each month or on the following working day.
Divergence greater than 3%:
If the current weighting per investment class (e.g. cash, bonds, equities etc.) diverges from the target weighting by more than 3 percentage points, trading instructions are automatically generated and all the positions in the portfolio are reset to their target level.
Payments to the Coop Finance+ 3a retirement savings account must be received and booked by the end of the year in question, on 31 December (value date) at the latest, in order to be included in that tax year.
We recommend making the payment early, prior to the festive period/weekend before, so that the amount paid in can be booked to the retirement savings account correctly and in good time, before 31 December (value date).
We recommend making the payment early, prior to the festive period/weekend before, so that the amount paid in can be booked to the retirement savings account correctly and in good time, before 31 December (value date).
The physical debit card will be sent to you by post within four working days of your first deposit into your Coop Finance+ bank account. You will receive the PIN separately by post.
You can find all the details of your accounts and spending in the Coop Finance+ app under the relevant account.
You can view the GTC of our financial services partners during the account opening process. You can also find the GTC on our website
You can find your PIN in the Coop Finance+ app under your card details by clicking on the plus sign (+) above the card icon. You can change the PIN at a bank ATM, once you have activated the card in the app. Please note that the new PIN must have four digits.
You can find the privacy policy in the menu of the app under the relevant section.
You can find the statement of fees in your Coop Finance+ app in the documents under “More...”. You can find all the information about costs here: Fee Schedule.
Use Apple Pay wherever you see one of these icons:

Use Google Pay wherever you see one of these icons:

All Superpoints earned from your purchases are shown in the Supercard app or at supercard.ch under the menu item ‘Cards’ (with a delay of up to 5 working days). The Superpoints you have collected with the Coop Finance+ debit card appear with the text ‘Collect points Coop Finance+’. Please note that the total points per day are displayed, not the points per purchase. In the Coop Finance+ app, you can only see the Superpoints you have collected using the Coop Finance+ debit card.
You can find your spending in the Coop Finance+ app under the relevant account. If anything is unclear, please contact our Service Center.
Your documents may be found in the Coop Finance+ app and can be downloaded from there free of charge.
The fees you have paid may be viewed in the Coop Finance+ app under “Accounts” / “Private account” / “Recent transactions”.
You can find your contracts under Profile/Documents
The fees you have paid may be viewed in the Coop Finance+ app within the relevant active portfolio.
The app currently supports the following versions of the respective operating systems:
- Android 7.0 or higher
- iOS 11.0 or higher
- Android 7.0 or higher
- iOS 11.0 or higher
Essentially, you have a choice between dynamic life cycle strategies and static investment strategies. Dynamic life cycle strategies are characterized by the fact that the equity allocation automatically reduces over the course of the investment period, thus also reducing the investment risk. If you opt for a static investment strategy, the equity weighting remains identical throughout the entire investment period. The most suitable investment strategy for your circumstances will be determined during the application process, taking account of your willingness and ability to take risks. You can of course override the investment proposal in the Coop Finance+ app at any time.
Details about data storage may be found in the data protection provisions in the app under the relevant section.
Passive investment funds (index funds and ETFs) are particularly suitable for investors wishing to invest in an entire market, cheaply and with broad diversification, over a long period and in a single transaction. They replicate an index (e.g. the SMI for Swiss equities) and try to track its performance as closely as possible. Since they do not actively seek to outperform the index, they are also known as passive or indexed investment products.
• Persons with an income subject to AHV by no later than 5 years after official retirement age
• Employees (part-time and full-time)
• Self-employed persons
• Job seekers entitled to daily benefits
• Cross-border commuters resident abroad and working for an employer in Switzerland
• Disability pensioners with residual capacity to work
• Employees (part-time and full-time)
• Self-employed persons
• Job seekers entitled to daily benefits
• Cross-border commuters resident abroad and working for an employer in Switzerland
• Disability pensioners with residual capacity to work
Any natural person who is at least 16 years old and lives in the same household as the account holder. The account continues to belong to the account holder only. The account holder is also the sole beneficial owner. Holding an additional card simply gives a person access to the account assets.
Coop Finance+ is the financial platform of the Coop Cooperative.
The Liberty Foundation for 3a Retirement Savings is responsible for ensuring that the investments are made in accordance with the pension client’s wishes. Rebalancing takes place within the strategies.
You subscribed to the newsletter during the registration process. If you no longer wish to receive the Coop Finance+ newsletter, please unsubscribe directly in the app under “Settings”.
Coop Finance+ is a mobile solution only. The app meets high security standards and enables easy access. You can use all its functions and advantages directly from your mobile phone.
Spreading your 3a assets across several portfolios enables you to stagger withdrawals of the capital you have saved over several years when you reach retirement and thus to save tax (since taxation is progressive, you avoid being taxed at a higher rate by staggering withdrawals).
When an existing Pillar 3a is transferred, the foundation is instructed to transfer the pension assets. This may also involve the sale of securities. At present, an instruction of this kind can only be given in writing.
The information in the identity document enables us to identify our customers legally and unambiguously.
All the information we collect in the Coop Finance+ app is necessary in order to create the contract and implement your Pillar 3a.
No. The selected investment funds reinvest their earnings. This means that the returns – such as interest or dividends – generated during an investment year are not paid out but are instead continually reinvested in the fund assets. You benefit from dividends that are reinvested, but you do not receive any payouts.
No. The Coop Finance+ platform is available online only, to enable customers to take out banking, pension and insurance products with regulated partner companies. Coop Finance+ itself does not provide any advisory services and the products are purchased from the relevant partner companies directly.
Yes, with Coop Finance+ you can also invest in a simple 3a account, without any fees.
Just ask
If you have any questions, please contact our Service Center using the contact form.
Go to contact formWe will respond within 48 hours.